The Pothos dataflow programming software suite
This is the complete list of members for Pothos::Block, including all inherited members.
_actor | Pothos::Block | |
activate(void) | Pothos::Block | protectedvirtual |
allInputs(void) const | Pothos::Block | inline |
allOutputs(void) const | Pothos::Block | inline |
Block(void) | Pothos::Block | explicit |
call(ArgsType &&...args) const | Pothos::CallInterface | |
callObject(ArgsType &&...args) const | Pothos::CallInterface | |
callVoid(ArgsType &&...args) const | Pothos::CallInterface | |
deactivate(void) | Pothos::Block | protectedvirtual |
dropRef(const Object &container) | Pothos::Util::RefHolder | |
emitSignal(const std::string &name, ArgsType &&...args) | Pothos::Block | |
getInputBufferManager(const std::string &name, const std::string &domain) | Pothos::Block | protectedvirtual |
getName(void) const | Pothos::Connectable | |
getOutputBufferManager(const std::string &name, const std::string &domain) | Pothos::Block | protectedvirtual |
getThreadPool(void) const | Pothos::Block | |
holdRef(const Object &container) | Pothos::Util::RefHolder | |
input(const std::string &name) const | Pothos::Block | inline |
input(const size_t index) const | Pothos::Block | inline |
inputPortInfo(void) | Pothos::Block | virtual |
inputPortNames(void) | Pothos::Connectable | |
inputs(void) const | Pothos::Block | inline |
isActive(void) const | Pothos::Block | |
opaqueCallHandler(const std::string &name, const Object *inputArgs, const size_t numArgs) | Pothos::Block | protectedvirtual |
opaqueCallMethod(const std::string &name, const Object *inputArgs, const size_t numArgs) const | Pothos::Block | virtual |
output(const std::string &name) const | Pothos::Block | inline |
output(const size_t index) const | Pothos::Block | inline |
outputPortInfo(void) | Pothos::Block | virtual |
outputPortNames(void) | Pothos::Connectable | |
outputs(void) const | Pothos::Block | inline |
propagateLabels(const InputPort *input) | Pothos::Block | protectedvirtual |
registerCall(InstanceType *instance, const std::string &name, ReturnType(ClassType::*method)(ArgsType...)) | Pothos::CallRegistry | protected |
registerCall(InstanceType *instance, const std::string &name, ReturnType(ClassType::*method)(ArgsType...) const) | Pothos::CallRegistry | protected |
registerCallable(const std::string &name, const Callable &call) | Pothos::Block | virtual |
registerProbe(const std::string &name, const std::string &signalName="", const std::string &slotName="") | Pothos::Block | |
registerSignal(const std::string &name) | Pothos::Block | |
registerSlot(const std::string &name) | Pothos::Block | |
setName(const std::string &name) | Pothos::Connectable | |
setThreadPool(const ThreadPool &threadPool) | Pothos::Block | |
setupInput(const std::string &name, const DType &dtype="", const std::string &domain="") | Pothos::Block | |
setupInput(const size_t index, const DType &dtype="", const std::string &domain="") | Pothos::Block | |
setupOutput(const std::string &name, const DType &dtype="", const std::string &domain="") | Pothos::Block | |
setupOutput(const size_t index, const DType &dtype="", const std::string &domain="") | Pothos::Block | |
uid(void) const | Pothos::Util::UID | inline |
UID(void) | Pothos::Util::UID | |
work(void) | Pothos::Block | protectedvirtual |
WorkerActor class | Pothos::Block | friend |
workInfo(void) const | Pothos::Block | inline |
yield(void) | Pothos::Block | |
~Block(void) | Pothos::Block | virtual |
~CallInterface(void) | Pothos::CallInterface | virtual |
~CallRegistry(void) | Pothos::CallRegistry | protectedvirtual |
~Connectable(void) | Pothos::Connectable | virtual |
~RefHolder(void) | Pothos::Util::RefHolder | virtual |